SEEM Research & Development Journal


SEEM Research & Development Journal

Science, Engineering, Environmental, Management (SEEM) Research and Development Journal is a peer review international and bi-annual (April and October) publication of the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria which aimed at publishing high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of life. The Journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published (or submitted simultaneously), in any language elsewhere. Contributions are in English Language. The Journal published by the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, is fully dedicated to publishing original articles in basic and applied research in all areas of Engineering, Agriculture, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Management Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Library and Information Sciences, Arts, Education and Allied disciplines. Articles for publication may be theoretical in nature, experimental, developmental, practical or specific case findings. Copyright is by the publisher. The journal is issued in printed form as bi-annual (April and October) volumes, and it accepts 3 types of articles defined as follows:

  • Research Articles: this is a regular article which aims at presenting new findings.
  • Review Articles: this is an article which aims to present comprehensively already existing findings.
  • Technical Reports: this is a short review article.


Each article submitted for publication should not exceed 15 pages, typed in double line space on A4 size paper; the font size must be 12 and in Times New Roman character. Preferable Microsoft (MS) word should be used and article should be processed on one side of the paper only with adequate top, bottom, side margins of 25mm. Electronic copy of the final version of the accepted paper(s) is required before an article is published. The manuscript arrangement should be in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation, References, Nomenclature, Tables, Figures and Appendices.

Title Page: The title page contains the title of the paper which should not be more than 12 words, name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), e-mail address(es) and telephone number. For double or multiple authors, the name of the correspondence author should precede that of others. The surname of the author(s) should be followed by the initials.

Abstract: An abstract (italicized) must be supplied with all articles by authors and should be kept within the limit of 250 words. The abstract is required to summarize the objective(s) of the article, methodology, results, findings, conclusion and recommendation(s). The abstract page should contain a minimum of 5 and maximum of 8 keywords. The keywords are required to describe the entire work contained in the article.

Introduction: The introduction should contain clear objectives of the work; describe the problem being addressed and current effort(s) at providing solutions to the problems.

Materials and Methods: This should contain theoretical analysis which incorporates relevant mathematical principles or theories applied in the study. It should also include the appropriate experimental methods and procedures with vivid description of method of analyses. Case studies and surveys should provide details of data collection, data synthesis and analysis. This section should be described in details; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of such procedures should be briefly stated. Capitalize trade names and include the manufacturer’s name and address. Subheadings could be used.

Results and Discussion: The results and discussion could be presented in descriptive, tabular, graphical or photographic form but must relate to the work done. Repetition of information presented should be avoided. Interpretations of findings should be the main focus of the discussion.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusion should briefly summarize the findings and should state clearly their relevance and contributions to knowledge. Recommendations should briefly highlight areas where implementation could be made or areas for further work.

References: All references should conform to APA style. They should contain full reference details and journal titles which should not be abbreviated. All references must be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the article. For multiple citations of the same year, suffixes a, b, c should immediately follow the year of publication.


Within the Text:

Authors name should be followed by a comma and the year of publication contained in round bracket e.g. Chukwura (1987a) and Chukwura (1987b), Tijani (1993), Kumasi et al (2001), (Isife 2003), Agindotanet al (2003), Usman and Smith (1992), Chege (1998).

At the End of Article: A list of reference at the end of the work can be as follows: